Examples Of How Security Guards Can Help

Posted on: 11 August 2021

There are a lot of reasons to hire security guards if you have a business. Some of the reasons may differ from one industry to another, while some reasons may be the same across the board. Here are some of the ways security guards can help with different types of businesses: 

Protection in parking lots

A lot of types of crimes can happen in parking lots. Along with the occasional argument between drivers over parking lot dings that happen, there can also be other troubles. Parking lots with a lot of cars can be targets for people looking to steal any valuables left in the parked cars, or even steal the cars. Also, other crimes happen in them, such as purse snatching and assaults. It helps a lot to have security guards patrolling the parking lots. 

Protection in warehouses

Warehouses can store a very large amount of items in bulk. This can be a target for thieves, especially in warehouses that aren't well protected and that have a night shift working. This is due to the fact that the dock doors will be open and some criminals will try to make off with truckloads of goods when the employees are working elsewhere in the building. Having security guards on the premises and watching over everything can help to prevent these types of thefts from taking place. 

Protection from shoplifters

Retail shops are huge targets for shoplifters. Some shops may have shoplifting taking place a lot of people feel that they can get away with it easily. A security guard sitting at the exit of shops like this can really help to cut down on the shoplifting attempts. Also, if someone does shoplift, then the security guard will be right there to handle the situation by hopefully retrieving the stolen goods and holding the shoplifter until the authorities get there. 

Protection from vandalism

Vandalism can be a major concern for businesses in certain areas. Vandalism often goes way beyond someone spray painting something on the side of a building. In serious cases, vandalism can include things like broken windows, trashed cars that park on the property overnight, broken lights and lamp poles, very large areas of spray paint damage, and much more. 

Protection from robberies

Some places are at a greater risk of robberies, including armed robberies in broad daylight. Things like bank robberies and jewelry store robberies still occur regularly. Security guards on-site can really help to prevent these acts and help with the aftermath when they occur. Even if a security guard can't prevent the robbery, they are great about making sure they can give an accurate description and help increase the chances of the robbers being apprehended.
